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Become A Thought Leader Without Saying So

Updated: Dec 13, 2018

Thought leadership can be one of your business’ most powerful marketing tools, at every growth stage, if you provide impactful content. If done correctly thought leadership can position you as an expert and authority within your industry which in turn increases visibility and legitimacy for your brand. It does require an investment of your time and energy to develop a solid reputation that earns the respect of your audience and your peers. However, a strategic public relations professional can be an extremely crucial component to you in lending their expertise in paving the path and accelerating the process of effectively optimizing opportunities.

When looking to boost your brand and persona there are few key tips to assist in laying the foundations for success.

Build Relationships: Network and get involved in industry events. Make your presence known by engaging with others and actively participating. Participating does involve listening. It’s much more notable to add value to the conversations with those you speak with versus speeding around the room dropping a quick non-substantial line to make sure you hit up everyone. That doesn’t build your brand, it’s just blatantly clear you are looking to work the room. Work it, but work it effectively. Be genuine in all you do.

Media Relations: In the same essence of building relationships, nurturing those with the media is important. This is where your seasoned publicist comes into play, as this too takes time to build. The media is a prominent platform to share your expertise. You should also have an expert sit with you for media training, craft talking points and build out processes to address various media opportunities as they arise.

Content Creation: Content tailored for thought leadership can take any number of forms, from videos, blogs, podcasts, eBooks, and a consistent presence on social media. To meet the criteria of true thought leadership, content should provoke reflection, discussion, or move someone to action (positively). It’s a great advantage to your thought leadership status if you can offer new and innovative ideas that will add a fresh perspective to your audience and industry.

Building out a thought leadership strategy takes time and strategic planning, but there are many avenues and smart tactics that can propel you in your quest, and or course, we're here for you to draft and drive that plan forward.

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New York, NY, USA

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