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How To Tailor Your Message To Effectively Connect With Consumers


We often assume that our buyer persona is just like us and that they are as familiar with our industry as we are. Whether they are or not, their main concern of interest is how your service or product can make their life easier and more beneficial. Human attention spans are short, and people do not have time, nor do they want to spend it scrolling for days and deciphering industry jargon.

You may be so accustomed to using industry buzzwords that it can be difficult to determine what’s too technical for your average customer when crafting content on behalf of your business. If you’re unsure, ask a close friend or family member who is not in your industry to read it over to give you constructive feedback. Try to skip those with a solid poker face who will say “looks good” just to appease you.

Here are a few tips to help guide you in the process:

Keep it clear and concise: Craft content that is cohesive and to the point. When you know what you’re talking about you won’t sound any less intelligent just because you simplify your copy; unless, of course, it’s full of grammatical errors. Read over every sentence and ask yourself if each word being used is necessary to covey the value and benefits of your business.

If writing is not your forte and budget does not allow you to hire a professional to assist, keep it short and direct. Don’t water down the impact of your content with jumbled words and run on sentences.

Make it relatable: The most effective messaging evokes emotion and resonates with the pain points of your target audience. Envision the buyer’s persona and why they would be interested in what you’re selling. Create content that speaks to your readers in a way that they can relate to and see the big picture.

Be distinct: Each person and business has their own distinct attributes. Be sure to embrace and depict what it is that sets you apart. Whether it be your team, quality, experience, convenience, price point, or impact, give the consumer a reason to choose you. Simultaneously, it gives the reader more insight into who you are as a brand.

For additional quick tips to create impactful messaging that helps convert your efforts into sales, sign up for our monthly newsletter.

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