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Why Businesses Should Give Back

Today is as good a time as any to really think about the ways in which we can give back and be part of something bigger that makes a positive impact on the community and the lives of others. Charitable acts really should be done without the expectation of “what’s in it for me” or planned solely for direct financial gain. That said, there are certainly many rewarding benefits.

As companies get behind critical philanthropic causes, they too reap the rewards by building strong communities that ultimately will also strengthen overall business. In addition, charitable, philanthropic efforts on the part of employers increases employee morale, retains, and attracts talent and builds brand loyalty among consumers proving a company that offers value beyond their produce/service offerings.

If you’re a small business owner looking to get more involved or are part of a larger entity looking to expand your reach, below are a few quick tips to get started.

· Identify a cause that aligns with your company’s core values: Leverage your business’ expertise and assets to address and support an issue that aligns with your brand. For example, if your company offers “all natural” food products, partnering with a nonprofit dedicated to improving health and wellness through community involvement and food philanthropy may be appropriate.

· Do your due diligence: You may have the best intentions but in a market that seems saturated with cause-related programs it is part of your corporate social responsibility to be made aware of which nonprofit organizations are legitimate and know where your donations are going.

· Set a plan in place: Once you’ve identified a legitimate and fitting charitable partner, it’s time to create a plan on how you intend to contribute and amplify your impact. What are the assets you will be offering and what activation is needed to support your overarching platform and cause.

It’s always a good time to think of new ways you can give back to the community both individually and as a business. Donating, volunteering and promoting social issues can provide a lot of value to companies, large or small. If interested in learning ways in which your company can contribute to support effective nonprofit organizations, please feel free to reach out to our team to help lead the way.

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New York, NY, USA

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